Selfless Ambition

Selfless Ambition
Most business owners would call themselves ambitious, driven, or a “go getter”. Yes, we may be all those things but is that ambition, passion, & drive directed only towards you? 

It time to put an end to our selfish ways and put that ambition towards being selfless. What do I mean, you ask? What are we doing to give back. How are we taking care of God’s people with the things He has blessed us with. 

We here at Heavenly Designed is making sure we bless the people. Very soon Heavenly Designed will be the landmark for financially impacted women all over the country. We will be providing FREE suits to the women in need. Most of the times we are called for the interview from the job we’ve been waiting to hear from, but have absolutely nothing to wear. That’s where we come in!

Be on the look out for “Heavenly Designed: It’s For Me. Free Suit Giveaway”.

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